How to Get a Refund if You Were Scammed on Cash App

cash app

Cash App is a convenient platform for financial transactions, but unfortunately, it’s not immune to scams. If you’ve fallen victim to a scam on Cash App and need a refund, it’s crucial to take prompt action. In this guide, we will outline the steps you should follow to seek a refund professionally.

Step 1: Contact the Scammer (Optional)

In some cases, you may want to attempt to resolve the issue directly with the individual who scammed you. While this approach can be risky and is not always successful, you can send a polite message explaining the situation and requesting a refund. However, do not share any additional personal or financial information.

Step 2: Report the Scam to Cash App

The most important step is to report the scam to Cash App. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Cash App: Launch the Cash App on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on Your Profile: Tap on your profile icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll Down: Scroll down and select “Support.”
  4. Choose the Issue: Select “Something Else” and then choose “Can’t Access Account.”
  5. Explain the Situation: Describe the scam in detail, including the username or $Cashtag of the scammer and any relevant transaction information.
  6. Submit the Request: Tap “Submit” to send your request to Cash App support.

Step 3: Contact Customer Support

Cash App has a dedicated support team to handle fraud and scam-related issues. It’s essential to follow up on your report by reaching out to Cash App’s customer support. You can do this by:

  • Sending an email to [email protected].
  • Calling their customer support hotline (if available).

When contacting support, provide them with your case number or reference number from your initial report to expedite the process.

Step 4: Monitor Your Account

While Cash App investigates your report, it’s important to monitor your account for any suspicious activity. Change your password and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

Step 5: Contact Your Bank (If Necessary)

If Cash App is unable to resolve the issue or you believe you are at risk of losing money, consider contacting your bank or financial institution. They may be able to assist you in recovering the funds or preventing further unauthorized transactions.

Step 6: Be Cautious Moving Forward

To avoid future scams, exercise caution when using Cash App and other online payment platforms. Be skeptical of unsolicited offers and only transact with trusted individuals or entities. Familiarize yourself with common scams and red flags to protect your finances.


Getting a refund if you were scammed on Cash App is possible, but it requires prompt action and cooperation with Cash App’s support team. By following the steps outlined in this guide and maintaining vigilance in your financial transactions, you can professionally navigate the process of seeking a refund and reduce the risk of falling victim to scams in the future.

How to Get a Refund if You Were Scammed on Cash App
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